How is Your Heart? Is it Time for a Heart Reset?
I’ve really struggled this past week because of a series of back and forth emails I received from a reader. She made assumptions about my beliefs, questioned my feelings, and why couldn’t I see the world like she did?
Essentially, although the notes were written on the respectful edge, I do feel this reader was perhaps trying to understand my point of view…to an extent at least. But also to have an opportunity to put forth her own points of view, in quite a frustrated way.
You see, I simply mentioned President Trump’s name in a story I shared in my Healing Harvest Homestead newsletter last week, and for some people, this tiny mention of his name evidently enraged them (because yes, I received more than one angry note, to my incredible surprise.)
Keep in mind, I didn’t laud anything he did or said. He was simply the source of information for a medical doctor to do some research of her own and to make a decision to try an old remedy with decades of positive use.
**A Quick Note: on herbalism, medicine, and healing. Many of you know I’m an herbalist, and I believe firmly and deeply in the plant medicines God has provided for us as a first line of defense. But as a responsible person should, it’s wise for each of us to do our own research before making a decision to try something. Research any drug or plant you put in your body, just as this medical doctor did before deciding to use a well-researched medication on her patients.
But I digress…..
My one little mention of his (Trump’s) name set at least two people off (one lady even unfollowed me completely, she proudly let me know). I’m sure others unsubscribed as well, only more respectfully and quietly. This is fine, by the way.
But I realized after trying to respond to the one reader’s note….
My heart literally hurts for the state of our world and country. We are so divided.
It really just hurts.
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Image: Jesse Balay
I read one time that social media feeds us the things that align with our beliefs. Therefore, the stories I see are going to match up with what I believe to be true. And for another person, they’ll be shown completely different stories, and these will uphold what they believe to be true.
**Truly. Do an experiment in your own life and see if this is true for your experience on social media too.
What this means is that we are all living in our own little belief bubbles.
We’re no longer given opportunities to compare ideas rationally or learn from each other, or heaven forbid, have a logical and respectful conversation based on reputable sources for information (that does not include the news, in my opinion).
If this “feeding” of information and propaganda isn’t a path to more and deeper division, I don’t know what is.
The reader who wrote back and forth to me a few times was ostensibly trying to understand my point of view but was also trying her best to convince me of hers. And I’ll just say this: Often, more often than not, this doesn’t work for anyone.
Regardless….our hearts are involved.
When we get so bound up in what is on social media and in the news, which, frankly is mostly a bunch of illegitimate lies without any kernels of truth, for the most part, and if we choose to live in an angry state…. our hearts just can’t be healthy.
When we live in anger at what is going on in the world…our hearts are involved.
The reader’s last note to me concluded with a question, paraphrased here: Wasn’t I mad at Trump and his deceitful, lying administration? How could I possibly not be?
What do you say to this?
What I do believe or don’t believe about our president has nothing to do with the theme of this article…which is that I was convicted to look at my heart.
Because yes. I am so angry at a number of things. (Our president is not one of them.)
I could list them all out here, but what purpose would that serve? There are SO many injustices in the country and world right now, and my list could go on for literally pages…starting with children’s and animals’ rights, as well as what the human race is doing to the environment, for me in my own personal world. I’m sure you have your list of injustices you’re not feeling so great about either.
How is your heart?
I’ve given this question a lot of reflection this week, and I can honestly say that I need to keep a more careful eye on the state of my own heart.
When I watch too much news, I get angry. Sometimes I even misbehave.
When I view the stories sent my way by well-meaning friends about forced vaccinations, a cashless society, etc., I find myself becoming worried and fearful.
Do you know where this comes from?
The enemy.
He wants us to have unhealthy hearts. He wants us to live in anger, in fear, in sadness, in hatred, in deception. He actively creates situations of misunderstandings, and he makes people forget one of the greatest of God’s laws: Love your neighbor as yourself.
“The thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” —-Jesus in John 10:10.
When I keep Jesus’ words above at the forefront of my consciousness, it’s pretty easy to see how rampant the enemy is in our world. He’s everywhere….even in innocent letters from people who disagree with each other.
If we can recognize this before we respond to another, or get angry, fearful, sad, or any other state that doesn’t match up with how God wants us to live/think/feel, then it’s easier to shift our hearts. It’s easier to be objective about the perceived insult.
For the reader I mentioned above, I prayed. I also prayed for myself. Mostly I prayed for peace and for help to keep my heart healthy and in a good place.
If your heart is healthy, then your responses to others will likely be much more healthy too….even if you disagree with them. At the very least, I hope for respect and civility.
And here’s a rhetorical question that just popped into my mind? I can’t answer it, and it really doesn’t matter, but, “When did we, as a people, start to feel like we can openly blast another’s beliefs? Or make assumptions? Or just be downright rude in the name of standing up for our own beliefs?”
It just seems to me that as a society, we used to be more classy. Maybe I’m wrong. I suspect I may be edging into that “old lady” time of life, when I look back and say, “In my day….”
I’d laugh at this, but really, it’s a serious thing, the demise of politeness.
One of Mr. V.’s daughters (my step-daughter) completely blocked and unfollowed him when he was entreating her to stay safe and be sure she had some food stored up just in case. The blast she gave him was stunningly rude, filled with anger, and dare I say…hate.
When did this kind of behavior become “ok?”
And here’s the thing. If we know to look at our own hearts, we can be objective (hopefully) when something painful like this happens and simply pray for the heart of the other person. Their beliefs are going to be their beliefs. But we can give them grace. We can give ourselves grace.
If we can pray for their hearts as well as our own, then maybe we can all get to a place where we can have civil discussions without assumptions. That’s a dream, anyway.
Here are some other “heart verses” for us to consider and reflect upon so that we can live with a healthy, happy heart and mind and spirit:
“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Isn’t this good news? If we can manage the state of our hearts, this is what God pays attention to. This is what he sees!
Here is what Paul said about the fruits of the spirit….which are a direct behavioral outcome of having a healthy heart:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
We can use these fruits as guidelines to help us know the state of our heart! We can ask ourselves if we are being kind, patient, and loving. Are we being gentle in our rebukes toward others? Are we exercising self-control, even if we feel angry? Do we live with joy and peace? Do we choose to see the goodness in the world?
Here’s another consideration:
“Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23
In Jesus’ words:
“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.” Luke 6:45
Finally, here is a bit of advice about your heart:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
We simply can’t understand God’s ways. We definitely can’t even understand the current ways of the world. But the good news is: We don’t need to.
If we place our thoughts, feelings, and hopes in the safest place of all, God’s word, we will all be just fine.
Let’s be kind to each other.
Love, Light, and Peace,
Do you need a heart reset? If you’re hurting right now, whether it’s a family thing, a world thing, or even friendships….If someone’s been mean…Here’s how to manage your heart and your emotions to be healthy and take care of yourself. #howtoheal #heart #sadheart #angryheart #whattodo #whenyourangry #faithful #dwellonlovelythings
Image source:
Aaron Burdon